10 Ways You Can Speed Up Your Website

how to speed up WordPress site

There are fewer things more frustrating than a website that takes to load. It isn’t a surprise then that not only people but search engine crawlers also try to stay clear from sluggish sites. You need to learn how to speed up website in order to get the most users on your website. Once you keep that in mind, you will need to make sure that your website is sped up and you can use these ways to speed up website by a lot. Use these tips to avoid annoying the visitors into closing your website. Learning how to improve website loading speed and how to speed up WordPress site. These tips are great for keeping your website fast.

1. Streamline Your Code

There a lot of best website builder will make it clear for you to put up a website. While their rich set of templates allow you to style your website in any way you want but they do have a major drawback. If you wish to know how to speed up website then you will need to learn to make the code lean. Most of the templates have messy codes that can easily slow down your website.

To overcome that problem and making your website faster you just have to remove all the unnecessary code and formatting in your HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files. This process of stripping away the excess is called minifying and almost all the website builders will help you do that with complete ease. WordPress users can use the Autoptimze Plugin to make the process super simple and easy. It can help you learn how to speed up website WordPress?

2. Compress Your Website

It doesn’t take too long for websites to become big and heavy. All the components of the website such as plain text HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files quickly swell up. One of the best mechanisms to speed up a website is to compress your website with a wide range of tools. These tools will reduce the size of the HTTP response, thereby reducing response times. That’s all you need to do to learn how to improve website loading time. You just need to enable the appropriate compression module in your web server. That’s all you need to do to make your website faster. 

3. Optimize Images

Images are one of the best parts of a website also they are one of the primary factors that make your website slow. How to improve website loading speed you ask? To reign in the behavior, instead of scaling large images via HTML, start by resizing all the images to the size you want them in. This is the best thing to make websites faster. 

In fact, you should maintain a list of different image sizes for the various elements on your website to ensure you never upload more pixels than you need. If you have a website with a lot of images, you should consider compressing them, compressing the image to a better size helps in making a better website. 

4. Lazy Load Multimedia

Lazy loading means images, videos and iframes are only loaded once users scroll down the page and actually see them. If you are wondering how to speed up WordPress site, using them will significantly improve the initial load times of your page. In earlier times, this was something that you could have implemented with the help of JavaScript but not lazy loading is built into web browsers. WordPress users have several choices and two of the favorite tools are Lazy Load by WP Rocket and a3 Lazy Load, which is designed for mobile devices.

5. Use Fast Social Media Sharing Links

Using social media links on your website is something all of us do. In this day and age, you’d want people to share your content on social media. On simple HTML websites, you can use a link generator tool like the free Share Link Generators. The tool helps you create sharing links for Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest without relying on iframes or JavaScript. WordPress users have access to tons of plugins that users can use for this purpose including Social Warfare and Grow. That’s how to improve website loading time.

6. Uninstall Useless Plugins

A CMS like WordPress can have several plugins that are great for proving multiple functionalities to your website. However, attaching too many plugins can slow your website down to a crawl, which is why you should use the plugins that you really need. That said not all plugins are designed equally well you can speed up your website by replacing the plugin with a faster alternative. 

The online tool GTmetrix will analyze your website for free and show you a list of plugins that have high load times. Replace the outdated and unused plugins especially if they are being called multiple times with a lighter alternative plugin. If you use WordPress then you can use the Query Monitor Plugin for a detailed analysis of the plugins that are being used on your website. Now hopefully you won’t have to ask how to speed up website WordPress?

7. Reduce Redirects

Redirects are often necessary when you move and delete the pages, and they are the best way to eliminate issues with broken links. To make your website faster, you need to reduce the redirect links. While 301 redirects are preferable to 404 errors, they’re still not as ideal as they slow down your website a lot. That’s why reducing redirects on your website can make all the difference. 

8. Make Fewer HTTP Requests

Reducing HTTP requests is a great way to optimize your website. Every element that you add to a page translates into an HTTP request. The more the browser has to make these requests, the longer your page will take to load. Which is why you should reduce the number of HTTP request. It takes time but it will help you learn how to speed up website.

You can use the developer tools in the browser and switch to the Network tab to watch the HTTP requests in detail. 

9. Go Old-school Where Possible

Using a scripting language like PHP you can do things that can’t be achieved with plain HTML. However, processing PHP takes longer than HTML, so avoid requesting information through PHP, it can be fetched with static HTML.

Similarly, it isn’t always a good idea to use the @import CSS mechanism for including external stylesheets on your web pages instead of the <link> HTML Tag. While both help you get the same results @import uses up more resources than directly linking to your stylesheets.

10. Accelerate WordPress

WordPress has no limit on the plugins for improving performance that’ll help optimize different aspects of the website. One of the most comprehensive ones is perf matters that rolls many of the commonly used performance acceleration techniques. One of the biggest reason this plugin is famous among the users is that it offers a simple and easy to use interface. The plugin can be accessed by all kinds of users. That’s another tip on how to speed up website WordPress.

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