Interesting Facts About WordPress: How WordPress Changed the Internet

facts about wordpress

WordPress makes every website unique. On the outside, every website may look similar, but each website is unique in its way. While you may not be able to tell the difference between all the websites that you come across. WordPress is one thing that’s similar between all the websites. WordPress changed the internet in various ways. Read more to find out!

If you are not a Blogger or Website developer then you may have never heard about WordPress. But WordPress is one of the most used and most popular website building tools. With WordPress, you can even manage the websites. It is easy to use and most importantly a free tool. That’s the reason that all the companies, websites, and even governments use it to power their online presence.

Ever since it launched WordPress impacted the internet widely! It has made it easier for people to develop and manage their websites. Websites are essential in this era of the internet to build and develop their brands. 

What Is WordPress

WordPress is a content management system (CMS). In simple terms, it is a platform that’s used for managing and creating the content you want to be published on your website. The reason WordPress is so famous is that anyone in the world can use it without having any strong technical knowledge. There are a lot of other reasons as well that make WordPress so preferable but the main factor is you don’t need any developer experience at all to build your website. 

WordPress is open-source software, which means that no one owns WordPress. A lot of developers around the world constantly works on the platform to release new updates and offer it to the world for free. 

How WordPress Changed The Internet?

In the early days of the internet, building your website was a very tricky task. Making a visually pleasing website was considered even harder. So when WordPress came into being it helped a lot of people who didn’t have technical skills. Building a website became so easy with the help of WordPress since then WordPress has been launching new updates to increase user experience. 

Now, WordPress is growing at an exceptional rate day after day! Right now over 75 million users around the world use WordPress regularly! Since it’s launch WordPress has remained free, but with the user base growing like fire, that may not remain the case for long.

Interesting Facts About WordPress

To understand the value of WordPress and how important it is for all the website developers around the world, let’s look at some interesting facts about WordPress. 

1. WordPress is The King of CMS

WordPress dominates the CMS market and to be frank, there’s not even a competition between WordPress and other CMS out there. There are about 20 other options than WordPress. All the other options combine control even less than 30% of the market. WordPress has it’s own monopoly in its industry! Honestly, the difference is understandable because it offers a ton of features that other CMS don’t offer. The most appealing factor out of all is that it’s free. 

2. Millions of Domains are Added Every Few Months

According to WordPress, over 2 million new domains are added on the website every 6 months. Most people who don’t know about anything building their website, believe that they need WordPress to build their websites. That’s how blind trust users have over WordPress as a CMS. 

3. Over 150 Million Users Every Month

This fact only refers to the main WordPress site and not the blogs that use WordPress. On users can get all kinds of information regarding using WordPress. According to WordPress, 175 million unique visitors visit WordPress every month. This much traffic clearly states how popular WordPress truly is and how large the WordPress Community. 

4. A New Post Every Six Seconds

All the bloggers combined get over 450 million users every month. Now that is a huge number. WordPress bloggers are very active and on average there is a new post every six seconds. This data comes directly from WordPress and it shows how frequently people are posting content to WordPress. 

5. 34 Percent Web Uses WordPress

Just to give you a context of how WordPress plays an important role. At the first point, this data may not seem overwhelming. Most organizations pay to have their websites made which is why Holding 34% percent of the whole web is impressive for a CMS. 


It used to be hard to make the websites before WordPress was launched. Now it is used by over 400 million people around the world and most of them don’t even have an idea about Website development. WordPress is the best CMS and will be for many years to come. So if you can’t decide whether you want to build your website using WordPress or not. Let me tell you that WordPress security is one of the trustable factors to use it. Still confused, take a look at all the interesting facts about WordPress we listed above. 

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